Kala - Vedic Astrology Software
Interface Features
List of Calculations
Demo Kala
Ashtakavarga Features
Avasthas Calculated Screen
Compatibility Module
Jaimini Screen
Muhurta Module & Muhurta Helper
Prashna Module
Search Tool
Sudarshana Chakra
Transit Features
Yoga Judgment Screen
Yoga Searches

Ashtakavarga Features

Ashtakavarga is a comprehensive method of making predictions through transits. According to Parashara, "making predictions is a hard task even for a sage, but Ashtakavarga is relatively easy, easy enough for the average man." To make it yet easier, we have programmed a lot of special Ashtakavarga features. (You can learn how to use Ashtakavarga by listening to the Free Ashtakavarga class, by going to the Free Classes link on the menu above.)

The Ashtakavarga Screen consists of the Ashtakavarga points for all the planets, the lagna, and the Sarva Ashtakavarga.


Ashtakavarga screen


Clicking on the yellow planetary labels pulls up additional Ashtakavarga calculations


Ashtakavarga Pinda


Additional Ashtakavarga Features

Download Kala Vedic Astrology Software 254.95
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